Why Do People Snore?

Why Do People Snore?

Snoring is a loud raspy noise that happens in the nose and throat during sleep. It is a very common problem, especially in men and as people age. Some people snore more than others, and it can vary from night to night.

Why do people snore are caused when the tongue or throat relax during sleep and the airway muscles weaken. The vibration of the tissue and other physical structures in your mouth and nose produce the snoring sound. Many people who snore have anatomical problems such as a deviated septum, an enlarged tongue or tonsils, jaw issues or a narrow throat. These problems can create a restriction of the airflow in and out of the nose or mouth, which causes the airway to close when you breathe.

Why Do People Snore? Common Causes and Solutions

Some snoring may be linked to obstructive sleep apnea, a condition in which your breathing stops briefly or repeatedly during the night. This can result in a lack of restful sleep, morning headaches, tiredness during the day and high blood pressure. If you have additional symptoms such as a dry mouth, throat irritation, a feeling of choking or gagging during sleep, chest pain or difficulty swallowing, you should talk to your healthcare provider about being evaluated for OSA.

Being overweight can also cause snoring because it can contribute to the buildup of fat in the neck area. When the neck fat presses against the upper airway, it can restrict airflow and lead to snoring. Over time, being obese can also cause a person to become unable to get enough oxygen during the night, which can lead to serious health problems such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

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